"LA MAISON DU MONSIEUR" is designed to be a sort of “virtual living room”, a “room for the soul” where we can celebrate and share our passion for the good taste and the sophistication, a reference point for all those men who are still convinced that style and elegance, i.e. the "bien vivre", are values to defend, share and transmit to the younger generations, a place for anyone who wants to stand out in the undistinguished crowd of the modern world, maybe just for a simple accessory. Our concept is born with the intent to create an ideal place, a virtual one, but – at the same time – a very concrete place, a real meeting point for all the gentlemen, Messieurs and modern Dandies who are constantly looking for style, tradition, good taste, sophistication, excellence and quality, i.e. a true "modus vivendi". Our mission aims at proposing a wide range of personalized services and products to our users, recovering the classical values of man fashion, and offering them to you in a new, original way.